Facial Treatments

Working the face in different ways can help to stimulate both the parasympathetic nervous system - the one which tells your body and mind that it is safe, is calm and can fully breathe and relax - as well as having positive effects on your skin and muscle tone.

You can choose to experience facial reflexology or ayurvedic facial massage, both holistic treatments which feel divine and leave you practically floating out of the door!

What's the difference between the two?

Facial reflexology originates from a combination of ancient Vietnamese, Native American and Asian techniques and theories mapping reflex points on the face, which has been developed in recent years and integrated with modern reflexology techniques.

It is carried out on the face and head and can help to relieve tension which can accumulate in the facial muscles, is effective in reducing the effects of stress and tiredness, and can help to

improve the condition and tone of the skin due to improved circulation. It also incorporates some elements of massage and pressure points to enhance the experience.

Ayurvedic facial massage combines traditional Indian healing and massage, combined with natural botanicals and oils to create ubtan (skin preparations) and clay masks to deeply cleanse, hydrate, and rejuvenate your skin.

Customised for your unique Dosha (ayurvedic body type), this rejuvenating treatment uses the power of herbs and oils to address your specific needs. You'll experience revitalised, radiant-looking skin, and feel renewed after this unique experience. Ayurveda combines steaming, massage, masks and marma point massage over the head and face to fully calm and release tensions, and is it a very unique and personalised treatment.

If you can't choose between the two - try them both! Call today to get on my client list.

How I Work With You

All services are available both in person at my peaceful studio in Weymouth, or online, via video call.

Workplace reflexology is at your place of business, workshops via group Zoom calls.

I offer a FREE discovery call so that you can find out a bit more about how the therapies I offer may help you.

Consultations, assessment and self-care routines shaped for your needs are available online. You can work with me from anywhere that you have an internet connection.

If you are a potential new client or wish to enquire about my services, please book a free call today and read the booking terms below.

Booking: Terms & Conditions


  • A health consultation must be completed before any treatments can be offered
  • All appointments/classes must be paid for at the time of booking
  • Please ensure you have a stable internet connection for your session
  • If you need to cancel, you must try to give at least 24 hours notice
  • If I am unable to work due to emergency, illness or any signs of infection, your session will be cancelled and re-scheduled asap
  • Any booking that has been cancelled will be re-booked as soon as possible
  • Obviously there are sometimes extenuating circumstances, and these will be taken into account on an individual basis

In-Person Treatments

  • A health consultation must be completed before any treatments can be offered
  • All appointments/classes must be paid for at the time of booking
  • Any cancellations will be re-booked at the earliest possible option
  • Re: cancellations due to sudden ill health, emergencies or any signs of infection; there will be no cancellation fee. Your session will be re-booked once you are able to attend
  • If I am unable to treat due to emergency, illness or any signs of any infection, your booking will be cancelled and re-scheduled asap
  • Obviously there are sometimes extenuating circumstances, and these will be taken into account on an individual basis
  • Weymouth Bay Reflexology has a ZERO tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour. Treatments involve one way touch from practitioner to client only. We reserve the right to terminate treatment with immediate effect and without refund if a client demonstrates behaviour including and not limited to intimidation, verbal aggression, physical violence, evidence of intoxication or sexual behaviour.